Assignment 6: Pandas Groupby with Hurricane Data

Import pandas and matplotlib

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Use the following code to download and unzip a CSV file of the NOAA IBTrACS hurricane dataset.

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! wget
! gunzip Allstorms.ibtracs_all.v03r10.csv.gz

Examine the first few lines of the file.

Then use the following code to load as a pandas dataframe. Think about the options being used and why.

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df = pd.read_csv('Allstorms.ibtracs_all.v03r10.csv',
                 parse_dates=['ISO_time'], usecols=range(12),
                 skiprows=[0, 2], na_values=[-999, 'NOT NAMED'])

1) Get the unique values of the Basin, Sub_basin, and Nature columns

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2) Fix these columns by eliminating the whitespace at the beginning of each

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3) Filter the dataframe to eliminate columns with no position information

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4) Rename the Wind(WMO) and Pres(WMO) columns to eliminate the parentheses

This makes them accessible to TAB completion.

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5) Get the 10 largest rows in the dataset by Wind

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You will notice some names are repeated.

6) Group the data on Serial_Num and get the 10 largest hurricanes by Wind

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7) Make a bar chart of the wind speed of the 20 strongest-wind hurricanes

Use the name on the x-axis

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8) Plot the count of all datapoints by Basin

as a bar chart

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9) Plot the count of unique hurricanes by Basin

as a bar chart. (You will need to call groupby twice.)

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10) Make a hexbin of the location of datapoints in Latitude and Longitude

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11) Find Hurricane Katrina (from 2005) and plot its track as a scatter plot

Use wind speed to color the points.

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12) Make time the index on your dataframe

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13) Plot the count of all datapoints per year as a timeseries

You should use resample

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14) Plot all tracks from the North Atlantic in 2005

You will probably have to iterate through a GroupBy object

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15) Create a filtered dataframe that contains only data since 1970 from the North Atlantic ("NA") Basin

Use this for the rest of the assignment

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16) Plot the number of datapoints per day

Make sure you figure is big enough to actually see the plot

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17) Calculate the climatology of datapoint counts as a function of dayofyear

Plot the mean and standard deviation on a single figure

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18) Use transform to calculate the anomaly of daily counts from the climatology

Resample the anomaly timeseries at annual resolution and plot

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Which years stand out as having anomalous hurricane activity?

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